Workshop CALIBRA DAY - 09/05/2014

Workshop CALIBRA DAY - May 09 2014

The Faculty of Science and Technology (FCT, acronym in Portuguese) from UNESP (São Paulo State University), campus of Presidente Prudente, via the Department of Cartography, participates in the CALIBRA (Countering GNSS high Accuracy applications Limitations due to Ionospheric disturbances in BRAzil) project. The main target of CALIBRA is to develop and implement algorithms for high precision carrier phase GNSS based applications in order to tackle the effects of ionospheric disturbances.

A Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT) da Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) - campus Presidente Prudente - através do Departamento de Cartografia, participa do Projeto CALIBRA (Countering GNSS high Accuracy applications Limitations due to Ionospheric disturbances in BRAzil). O objetivo principal do CALIBRA é o desenvolvimento e a implementação de algoritmos para ser aplicados nas observáveis de fase da onda portadora visando eliminar os efeitos de distúrbios da ionosfera.

It was submitted within the call FP7-GALILEO-2011-GSA-1a, performed by GSA (European GNSS Supervisory Authority). This is continuity to the CIGALA (Concept for Ionospheric-Scintillation Mitigation for Professional GNSS in Latin America) project, arising from a similar call, which was finalized in February 2012.

Tal projeto foi submetido na chamada FP7-GALILEO-2011-GSA-1a, realizada pela GSA (European GNSS Supervisory Authority). Trata-se da continuidade ao Projeto CIGALA (Concept for Ionospheric-Scintillation Mitigation for Professional GNSS in Latin America), o qual foi realizado a partir de uma chamada similar finalizada em Fevereiro de 2012.

The project partners are: University of Nottingham (UNOTT), Nottingham/UK, which leads the project, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), Rome/Italy, University of Nova Gorica (UNG), Slovenia, and the company Septentrio Satellite Navigation (SSN), Belgium, all of them from European continent. In Brazil, participating FCT/UNESP and the company ConsultGEL (CSG). The project started on November 2012 and will have duration of two years.

Os parceiros do projeto no continente europeu são: University of Nottingham (UNOTT), Nottingham/UK, que lidera o projeto, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), Roma/Itália, University of Nova Gorica (UNG), Eslovênia, e a companhia Septentrio Satellite Navigation (SSN), Bélgica. No Brasil, participam a FCT/UNESP e a companhia ConsultGEL. O projeto teve início em Novembro de 2012 e tem a duração de dois anos.

The aim of this Workshop is to present to the audience the general idea, results and future perspectives of the CALIBRA Project, as well as of its predecessor, the CIGALA.

O objetivo deste Workshop é apresentar aos participantes uma visão geral, resultados e perspectivas futuras do Projeto CALIBRA, bem como de seu predecessor, Projeto CIGALA.



Last review: 2013-08-04